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A year later !

Posted by Rose Dean on Monday, June 2, 2014, In : Updates 
Good morning a year later than our last post !
Apologies for the lack of updates , hopefully you have been following us via Facebook and twitter

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Confined to home

Posted by Rose Dean on Wednesday, February 13, 2013, In : 2013 
Well the trailer has gone and we find our selves confined to home until the lorry arrives!
This winter has seemed to go on for far too long, more snow over the last few days and freezing cold, poor Disco has looked his age for a couple of days so we have put him back on Blue Chip :( nothing to worry about but I do think hes not quite so spirited so hopefully ot will help, weve put Charlie on it too as he could do with a few pounds adding, but hes bound to improve when the spring grass comes in...
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Transport changes

Posted by Rose Dean on Thursday, February 7, 2013, In : 2013 
Well the snow has gone and we are getting ready for the season ahead.
We have been thinking about the pors and cons of changing the trailer for a lorry for some time, but this year we have decided that the time is right, we need more living space and although we love the trailer it just isnt big enough , when staying away at shows , sometimes for nearly a week at a time.
We have managed to sell the trailer and it will be going to its new home this weekend, and we have found a lorry, its very re...
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Posted by Rose Dean on Thursday, January 24, 2013, In : 2013 
Hi Everyone
Well we managed a couple of shows with Charlie and one at Kings were we took both ponies, Disco jumped double clear 2'9 and got a 5th, charlie jumped in the 95 , with 0/4 and second place as no clears. Pleased with progress and looking forward to getting out and about, our next show was a blue chip qualifier at Solihul, but the snow decided to come, and then more and more has fallen, we now have about 1ft of snow in the paddock.
We have continued to turn out the boys to stretch thei...
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New arrivals

Posted by Rose Dean on Monday, January 7, 2013, In : 2013 
Charlie arrived with us 28th December, he has come from Steven Whitakers yard and was ridden by his son Donald before being out grown, he has jumped up to foxhunter height and also competed last year at county working hunter,
Lily had a lesson with Steven Whitaker which was an amazing opportunity, hes very tough but clear and lily learned alot.
we made our debut at Allens hill 6th Jan and jumped double clears which is a great start to the year
Disco is enjoying having some company and they have ...
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Changing times

Posted by Rose Dean on Wednesday, December 5, 2012, In : 2012 
Sorry for the lack of updates for any of our followers
Well Rocky went home at the beginning of November, we decided after chatting with Nigel who owned him that it would be best for Lily to make the move onto a 148 now rather than wait, firstly we new Rocky was going to be sold next year and secondly Lilys legs were getting very long on Rocky and the 138 circuit is very competative.
We started our search for a 148 and have been to see a few, some good some not so good, we found Bacardi II a JC...
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clipping time

Posted by Rose Dean on Monday, October 1, 2012, In : 2012 
Yuk , the dreaded job of clipping, Disco is done and looking very smart, rocky is looking very wooley, the new blades have arrived so this week he will be getting the chop too!!
We had a lovely trop out to Hartpury with some excellent results, check out the results page for more info, we are planning more outings and intent do try out Onley grounds Ec this sunday, more info on our events page.
Thanks to everyone that follows us on facebook and this page, please share our page and website with y...
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winter is here!

Posted by Rose Dean on Wednesday, September 26, 2012, In : 2012 
Wow, september sun has gone and winter rain is here, boys are now rugged and having a small feed, plenty of grass still so no worries about weight !!
we had a weekend away last week and managed to stay clean and mud free for a whole weekend which is amazing for this time of years, the reason why we stayed clean was because there were NO HORSES !!
Nice for a change but we missed them really,
Hope to be going to Hartpury on sunday.
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catch up - summer round up

Posted by Rose Dean on Monday, September 17, 2012, In : Rocky 
OMG its been so long since i have written anything i'm not quite sure where to begin, we have had a fantastic summer with the two boys.
Since arriving Lily has had great success with Rocky, a number of wins and trophies and she is now registered with BS and ready to start her HOYS campaign, who knows where this will lead, but my motto is its always worth shooting for the stars, we may have to settle for less but its worth a try.
we kicked off the summer with camp at seven acres our livery yard,...
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Hartpury unaffilliated SJ

Posted by Rose Dean on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, In : Disco 
Sunday 13th May, we went to Hartpury arena for unaf SJ, my god if we had realised the whole world was going we may have either not gone or done only one class, as we had grandma and granddad with us watching, the 2'6 had 59 in the class, when Lily jumped she went into the lead with 20 ish left to jump, we were not suprised to see our friend Becky take the lead after us as she is on a winning streak, by the time the class ended lily finished in 4th , we are really pleased with this as Lily str...
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Pony search finally over

Posted by Rose Dean on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, In : Rocky 
On saturday Lily tried Rocky Pendragon a BS JD, thanks to Demi and Nigel at pendragon show jumping, this was most successful and we are pleased to announce that Rocky will be coming to us on loan from Saturday 20th May, we will be staying unaffiliated with him for this year with the intention of jumpign stepping stones and british novice from April next year.
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Weston Lawns

Posted by Rose Dean on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, In : Disco 
We wnet to CHN friday, and arrived to find we were almost the first ones there, it had been very wet so we were restricted on parking and this meant we had to put the awning up on hard ground, no easy task, thanks god there were lots of bricks around to weight it down!!!
Disco settled in well and day one started with warm up classes, both double clear and then the team SJ in the afternoon, which the girslk went on to win, they were so pleased, lily led them off in the lap of honour and my god ...
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Posted by Rose Dean on Friday, April 20, 2012, In : Disco 

We arrived on friday to grey and overcast weather, thank goodness for premier parking and the electric hook up, we managed to stay warnd cosy all weekend.
Camp Dean was established with help from Jem, we have got quicker each time at putting up the awning and no arguing ! Each time we come we get better at packing but alas we forgot the picnic table, much better than last year though when we forgot Lilys riding boots !!!
Day 1 - Wentwoth 2 - grass arena
Disco had a settled night and had munched ...

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Hartpury international arena

Posted by Rose Dean on Friday, April 20, 2012, In : Disco 
We ahd a fanmtastic outing to Hartpury and made our debut inteh international arena, its a fantastic place and Lilky was excited to know she was following the footsteps of the top riders.
We only did the 2'6 , and we were please as it was boiling hot.
The course was straight forward and a few options for turns inteh second phase, Disco and Lily jumped really well, double clear and managed final placing of individual 4th.
All the team members had great rounds , ending with 4 double clears adn win...
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Spring almost here !

Posted by Rose Dean on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, In : March 
I am looking out of the window at lovely sun and my car says its 18 degrees, the clocks go forward on saturday night too so its all good, Lily has had a good couple of weeks hacking and training.
She had a win at Kings in the 2'6 which was fab, last weekend we went training with Linda from Hayswood equestiran in hanley at Hill view, Disco attacked the course like a maniac, but Lily loved every minute.
We are preparing for Cricklands which is only 2 weeks away now, I am worried about freezing ov...
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catching up !

Posted by Rose Dean on Saturday, March 10, 2012, In : March 
Well, so much for regular updates, but it has been a long slog over winter, what with feeding, freezing weather and dark nights.
It is so nice to see the end is near and spring is almost upon us, Disco and Ed now have new sleeping quaters - Thank you to my Husband, Jem, I now have 2 stables and storage area so if the weather becomes awful the boys can have a night or two in, but I dont plan for this to be a regular ocurance as they have wintered out very well, both look rather round !!
Disco ha...
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disco gets silly

Posted by Rose Dean on Thursday, January 19, 2012, In : Disco 
disco went on a hack though some fields. 
We where just walking along we realized that we had gone the wrong way.
so we turned round disco thought its was time for a gallop. So he got all ready to go but unfortunaly for him, his plans where foiled  !
I managed to stop him .BUT. When we got to second field he decided he was going to bronc and walk side ways. he also thought that he would do some bunny hops but i got him to stop in the end.

posted by lily dean
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Posted by Rose Dean on Tuesday, January 17, 2012, In : January 2012 
Disco is enjoying a couple of well earned days off, while the weather and temperatures have dipped below freezing for the first time this year.
Plenty of rugs and plenty of grub keeps Disco happy and no mud.
Just planned our next outing which will be Hartpury qualifiers 21st Jan, it wil be Lily's first time in the international arena, entering the 2'6 and 2'9
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Kings EC 14th Jan

Posted by Rose Dean on Sunday, January 15, 2012, In : January 2012 
What a fantastic day, great to see lots of people out, fantastic result in the 2'6 with a win, Disco was flying round and looks fit and well, also followed up with a great round in the 2.9 but lily went before the bell, so despite a double clear she was eliminated! She wont be doing that again, over all a great day !

Lily has now qualified for MIDARC, Cricklands and Trailblazers 2012
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Disco gets smart

Posted by Rose Dean on Friday, January 13, 2012, In : January 2012 
Disco had a hair cut today, as he was looking slightly untidy, in preparation for show jumping tomorrow.
Shame this has co-incided with the cold weather coming. he is now multi - rugged

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