Well the trailer has gone and we find our selves confined to home until the lorry arrives!
This winter has seemed to go on for far too long, more snow over the last few days and freezing cold, poor Disco has looked his age for a couple of days so we have put him back on Blue Chip :( nothing to worry about but I do think hes not quite so spirited so hopefully ot will help, weve put Charlie on it too as he could do with a few pounds adding, but hes bound to improve when the spring grass comes in.
Flatwork training with Charlie is helping him to build his partnership with Lily, we dont want to rush to jump big classes until they are ready but hope to be able to qualify or go to POYs or have a trip to south view in the near future.
Paperwork has come through for Cricklands so training confirmed with matthew and James again for spring, Lily really enjoyed it last time, plus it means we get the pick pf the [arking when we arrive ahead of the champs ...;lol
Half term next week so hoping to get plenty of hacking in, we have lots of hills here so really good for building muscles on the ponies back ends, which is vital for jumping , so we will use our time off competing wisely.
Hope everyone is coping with the poor weather ok and hope to se oyu out and about soon, dont forget to look out for BRB aka Big Red Bus when we get mobile again
Rose & Lily x