Hi Everyone
Well we managed a couple of shows with Charlie and one at Kings were we took both ponies, Disco jumped double clear 2'9 and got a 5th, charlie jumped in the 95 , with 0/4 and second place as no clears. Pleased with progress and looking forward to getting out and about, our next show was a blue chip qualifier at Solihul, but the snow decided to come, and then more and more has fallen, we now have about 1ft of snow in the paddock.
We have continued to turn out the boys to stretch their legs but there has been no riding for over a week now.
We are hoping that this si it now and the melt has started, Lily hoping to get out for a hack on sunday, then we can pick up where we left off!
Lots of fun on the quad though in the snow, sledging and snow man building, hope everyone else has had fun and stayed safe, with ponies all well.
Hopefully catch up with people at shows sometime soon.
We did get chance to plan our year so far, we will type it up and post it on the events page.
Bye for now
Rose & Lily x