Well the snow has gone and we are getting ready for the season ahead.
We have been thinking about the pors and cons of changing the trailer for a lorry for some time, but this year we have decided that the time is right, we need more living space and although we love the trailer it just isnt big enough , when staying away at shows , sometimes for nearly a week at a time.
We have managed to sell the trailer and it will be going to its new home this weekend, and we have found a lorry, its very red so has the nickname BRB or "big red bus " lol, its having some windows fitted and getting plated so will be with us in a couple of weeks, Lily cant wait to have her first stay away show in it and see how it works for us.
Both boys are well and coping with what the weather throws at them, we have decided to retire Disco from BS this year and he wont do much unaffiliated but Lily plans to enjoy lots of long hacks on him, we are looking for a small adult to share him, to help keep him excersised and fit.
Thats all for now
Rose & Lily