We went to a very busy Allens hill
we arrived about 1pm and had to queue to get down the drive and they were still on the 70 cms !! I think everyone had decided to go there today .
After a wait we jumped the 2'9 & 3ft classes
Charlie jumped a lovely double clear in both classes, not placed in the 2'9 and we are not sure about the 3ft as we left before the end as it was almost dark and getting chilly.
Today was about jumping clear we had no intention of trying to win the class as there will be time to try for this in the future.
Today was about qualifiying for CHN champs and Winter Champs, we havent decided which we are attending as we would like to go to blue chip and POYS and they are all similar times, we need to start planning really
Lovely to see familier faces out and about and catch up
All in all a fab day